“Honor Where They are Today & Prepare Them for the Possibilities of Tomorrow”


Nurturing education by presenting offerings and teaching methods that excite both right and left brain learning styles! Indoor & Outdoor activities utilizing tactile, kinetic and creative learning methods to facilitate cognitive & critical thinking. Give them Voice in what they learn & give them Choice in their elective activities. Allow it to be fluid from one year to the next, as they age and mature. This is an Organic Education, to meet them where they are and the times they are in.

Cultivate: Independence with Respect, Accountability, Work-Ethics, Self-Identity, Self-Worth, Motivation & Gratitude for the Earth and its Living Beings.

Eliminate the stress, anxiety, weighted judgements, and devaluation of individual strengths that happens with other educational establishments.

Weaving core Academics into Life Skills! Envision is a place for kids to Apply their academics, where Mathematics, Language Arts, Geography and History all woven with: Environmental education, biology, permaculture, chemistry, nutrition, building, designing (artistic & engineering), alternative energy, arts, computer, music, expressive & healthy emotional outlets, skills to cope vs. enabling the victim-martyr mentality, leadership skills, entrepreneurship, power of manifestation/thoughts/intentions, contributing to the efficiency and joy of home & group through teamwork & animal/land stewardship, Anatomy & Physiology as it pertains to body function.

As parents, we need to admit that we do not know what our kids will want to do as adults. They have free-will and are free-thinkers. So let’s set them up with strong life skills  & to know that they have options in the direction they want to go, as they move forward into the world. Whether artist or engineer, farmer or doctor, let’s help them to feel empowered & confident as individuals, appreciation and respect for others, so that they can do anything that they choose and have healthy positive relations!

-Cara Frantz, Founder-Director-Mother

2024-25 Highlights:

  • 3 big outdoor adventures - October, February & June

    (past adventures have included ski trips, rafting, and multi-day campouts)

  • Optional Friday Family Outings/Potlucks

    (past groups have organized Soccer Groups, Chess Meet-ups, Hikes & More!)

  • School-wide Concert Fundraiser & other Fundraising Opportunities for Students

  • Student Entrepreneurship Fair 

  • Field Trips to “meet the experts” in our Community

  • Daily Physical Activity

  • Class Play Performances and Theater Studies

A School Built to Fit it’s Participants

Each Year a custom academic curriculum is crafted for each class. This curriculum responds to the specific needs of the students in the group and the desires expressed by families.

At Envision, our Guides have over a decade combined experience crafting custom curriculum for a variety of settings and now 5 years of experience creating curriculum for Envision. Our guides hold traditional training skills in Education and over 2 decades of life experience as educators and guides. They utilize innovative and revolutionary training methodologies and an open mind to help craft & deploy a unique curriculum that empowers participants to solve problems and turn ideas into actions.

Envision utilizes a block rotation of core subject areas to direct our academic studies throughout the school year. Our school year is broken into 3 Trimesters, and each Trimester features 3 subject area blocks that run approx. 4-5 weeks each. Broadly speaking, these block areas correspond with a major core-subject area (ex: math, science, civics, language arts).

Each Block has it’s own focus area, associated projects, reading materials, writing and art activities. We often use role playing, games, and field trips to practice what we are learning in real, tactile environments. Through first-hand experience, participants are exposed to the diversity of perspectives available within a given situation. We emphasize the development of problem solving capabilities and critical thinking capacities.

  • Applied Academics

    Mathematics, Language Arts, Geography, History, Environmental education, Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition, Arts, Music, Anatomy & Physiology are woven into Program Units. Participants develop their practical application of academics.

  • Personal Growth

    Emotional Intelligence, Leadership skills, Power of manifestation/thoughts/ intentions, Team building, collaboration, mind-mapping, vision boarding and the power of affirmations.

  • Life Skills

    Natural Building, Permaculture, Entrepreneurship, Animal & Land Stewardship, Designing (artistic & engineering), Alternative Energy Experimentation.